Thursday, February 14, 2013

Our family!

So This is my family a year ago and this....

... Is our family now!!! We love our babies!! And yes we are a little crazy for having 4 kids under 5 years! On top of that we moved from our small town in South Dakota to the big city of Denver! But what this blog is about is our crazy love for "doing EVERYTHING ourselves!"

Our house in South Dakota was how we got so in it. We remodeled the whole thing (pictures to come). We just bought a town home in Denver that we are going to fix up and can't wait to share the transformation and we are also going to try to do some furniture projects too! I hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Here is a blog I use a lot for a reference on all things 'home'. I think you might like it and it could be really helpful too!


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